The Different Lip Shape Lip Fillers | Voyage MedSpa & Wellness (2024)

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What is Lip Filler

The Different Lip Shape Lip Fillers | Voyage MedSpa & Wellness (1)

Lip fillers are a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid fillers into the lips. Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in the body, into the lips to increase their volume. The filler is typically Juvederm or Belotero or, and can also be used to define the cupid’s bow of the lip and add volume to your lips. A more recent type of hyaluronic acid-based filler is Versa and Restylane Silk. Last but not least, there’s also Restylane and Volbella. They rely on beads of hyaluronic acid for shaping and defining lips. This isperfect for people looking for more precise control in their injections! All of these types offer natural-looking results that make lips fuller and more voluminous without much downtime.

Anatomy of the Lips

Cupid’s Bow

The anatomy of the lip’s cupid’s bow is an important factor to consider when it comes to lip shapes and contours. The expert injectors at Voyage Med Spa in St. Pete are seasoned professionals when it comes to lip augmentation and lip shaping. They understand the complexities of lip anatomy such as the lip’s cupid’s bow and other features. The experts can create natural yet beautiful lip shapes. Their years of experience and knowledge in facial sculpting, leave clients with balanced lip proportions and natural curves.


The philtrum, also known as the median cleft or lip line, is an important anatomical feature of the lips. It’s often responsible for creating the attractive lip shapes seen on faces throughout the world. Skilled aesthetic specialists can make subtle tweaks to your lip shape that enhance its beauty and overall facial harmony. With expertise in facial anatomy and effective lip augmentation treatments your lips can be enhanced in ways you never thought possible!

Vermilion Boarder

The vermillion boarder is the demarcated area at the lips’ junction with the skin. Our expert lip injectors in St Petersburg FL can customize the shape of lips for beauty enhancements. They can create a well-defined outline along the vermilion boarder that accentuates a person’s lips. Further, full lips with a defined border can improve facial symmetry, while also boosting self-confidence. Professional injectors understand lips anatomy. They also know how to build volume of the lips gradually, so beauty goals are achieved without appearing artificial or overdone.


The tubercules are the two visible upper lip elevations in the middle of the lip. They are also referred to as the cupid’s bow. In morphology, tubercules are defined as a small rounded protuberance. This can be seen on the surface of either the upper lip or lower lip of humans. When it comes to lip fillers, these tubercules must be taken into consideration when designing the shape that best fits a person’s facial features. An expert lip injector like those found at Voyage Med Spa in St Pete FL have extensive knowledge in facial proportions and symmetry. They ensure seamless lip designs where balance is top priority.

Oral Commissures

The oral commissures of the lip are used as a reference point. This is especially done when injecting lip filler in locations such as Voyage MedSpa in St. Pete Florida. The oral commissures consist of two minor lip elevation angles. They form what is referred to as a ‘parenthesis sign’ shape. They help aestheticians and patients visualize the lip filler shapes they desire. This crucial structure helps to create beautiful lip results that enhance one’s overall facial appearance while maintaining proper lip anatomy and symmetry.

The Different Lip Shape Lip Fillers | Voyage MedSpa & Wellness (2)

Click here to learn more about lip anatomy

Lip Shape Lip Fillers

Natural Shape

There are different type of lip filler shapes. Lip filler procedures allow individuals to create natural shape, fullness, and definition. Technically, an injectable dermal gel or hyaluronic acid is used to increase the volume of an individual’s lips. The natural shape is determined by a combination of genetics and muscle structure, factors that makes each person’s lips unique. Fillers can give you fuller lips.

At Voyage Med Spa in St Pete FL professional medical doctor or expert injector administers lip fillers. They do this base on the desired outcome and natural features of the individual’s face. During consultation, our elite medical practitioners takes into consideration all natural features. One feature in particular is the contour the lip line. This is in order to ensure natural-looking results for pouty lip filler shape procedures with minimal side effects. The most common lip side effects are swelling and bruising.

You most likely are a good candidate for lip enhancement with any type of dermal filler. Before your procedure the plastic surgeon will place topical anesthetic on your lips to make your procedure comfortable. Aesthetic doctors are experts at lip injections shape.

Heart Shaped or Hollowood Lips

Creating heart shaped lips or the popular Hollowood lip filler shapes has been a popular method of lip augmentation for many years. As one of the most sought-after lip filler shapes, heart shaped lips usually have a fullness to them in the center of the upper and lower lip that are particularly noticable.

If you’re looking to achieve heart shaped lips, at Voyage Med Spa in St Pete FL our experienced physician lip injectors specializes in these techniques. They will ensure that your heart shape looks natural, while remaining symmetrical and keeping the shape balanced. With heart shaped lips, you can feel confident that whatever look you choose will be complemented with their larger width and pointed pointiness in your profile.

M Shaped Lips

If you’re looking to give your lips a more defined shape, m-shaped lip filler is the perfect treatment. This technique can create fuller, more contoured lips while maintaining a natural look and feel. The m-shape enhancement involves adding a moderate amount of hyaluronic acid–based filler to the upper and lower parts of the entire lip area.

Experts note this creates a rounded, m-shape at the cupid’s bow lip filler with a bulbous look at the center of the lips. The m shaped lip filler effect makes your lips look naturally full without appearing overly inflated. With proper care, m-shaped lip filler shape can last for up to 12 months.

Key-Hole Lips

The keyhole shaped lip is the perfect shape for achieving a subtle and beautiful pout. Lip fillers can be used to skillfully create the key hole look with minimum invasiveness. This is done by strategically adding volume in key areas on the upper and lower lips.

By adding filler in symmetrical pre-determined points, careful consideration is taken to balance out the overall shape of the pout. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the lip lines are straight and smooth. The natural keyhole shaped lip look is sure to turn heads without looking overdone or artificial as sometimes happens with other methods of achieving plump lips.

Pillowy Lips

When talking about perfect lips filler, pillowy-shaped lips have been dominating the beauty industry for pouty lips filler. This look is achieved by strategically augmenting and enhancing lip size and shape with one of several FDA-approved dermal fillers. Depending on your facial features and aesthetic preferences, the qualified injector will use a combination of products and techniques to contour your lips for optimal facial harmony. With this innovative shaping, you can enjoy pillowy shaped lips that are fuller yet still perfectly fitting for your face. Injectable fillers provide you with natural yet voluminous lips that emphasizes your beauty in a subtle way.

Cupid’s Bow Shape

Lip filler is a great way to achieve the cupid’s bow shaped lips that are popular these days. The shape can be sculpted by injecting small amounts of hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler into the desired area. This will help plump, contour, or even add extra volume to your lips where needed. Expert practitioners will take time and care to ensure your results look natural but noticeable. This will really help you stand out in a crowd and feel more confident. Depending on your desired look, you may need to factor in additional treatments such as collagen treatments. Collagen treatments will get the ultimate cupid s bow shape.

Lip Filler treatments are a great way to get the lips you have always wanted. Many people choose fish lips shaped lips for a more natural look and subtle plumpness. The fish lips shape is highly popular due to its ability to contour the edge of your upper lip. The lip injector can create the appearance of a cupid’s bow, whilst still keeping it looking naturally fuller. Cupid bow lip filler provides a very defined and feminine finish. Lip filler treatments can help create that fuller and curvier lip shape. Many clients want to achieve beautiful results without the use of implants or other heavy-duty procedures.

Click here to learn more about lip shapes filler here

Different Types of Lips

Gull Wing Lips

Lips come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. From full and pouty to thin and kissable, each individual lip is unique. In addition, there are different types of lip filler shapes. Gull wing lips are symmetrical with an upward pointing cupid’s bow and two matching rounded lobes on either side of the mouth.

Those blessed with gull wing lips may be happy to know that these are considered a top lip shape for cosmetic treatments like lip augmentation or tinting. If you want to get your gull wing lips perfected to perfection, consult withVoyage Med Spa St Pete’s expert injectors. They specialize in creating beautiful Cupid’s bows without looking overfilled.

Sausage and Rosebud Lips

Lips come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with different types ranging from sausage lips to rosebud lips. Sausage lips are characterized by the bottom lip protruding beyond the top lip. Rosebud lips have a symmetrical bow-like shape to them. Those with fine-lined lips have higher cupid’s bows and full bud-shaped central parts. No matter the type of lips you have, the professional injectors at Voyage Med Spa in St Petersburg can help you achive your desired shape. The Voyage lip injectors have expertise in altering the appearance of your lips so that your desired look is achieved.

Full or Perfectly Proportioned Lips

A full, attractive lip is a marker of beauty for many people. Of course, full lips (upper lips and bottom lips) come in different shapes and sizes, and recently more options have become available to make full lips an achievable goal. Lip filler has become increasingly popular, creating full yet natural lips without the pain of cosmetic surgery.

There are different ways to create fullness. One method is creating an inverted ‘V’ shape with Volbello. – And there are many shapes available so that you can tailor it to your desired look. It’s important, however, to remember aftercare is essential when using lip filler. Aftercare often consists of managing swelling and avoiding certain foods that could relax the product over time.

Shelf Lips

Every person is unique and that includes their lips. From the very thin shelf lips to the ever popular fuller Juvederm lip fillers, there are a range of types that make up this distinctive feature. Shelf lips, sometimes known as ‘petite bow lips’, have less volume than average, often retaining a ‘Y’ shape when viewed from the center outward. These can be enhanced with a natural-looking filler that still allows for your individual features to shine through.

On the other hand, Juvederm lip fillers can provide a fuller look if desired. When done by an experienced injector, it will appear naturally plump but must always be combined with proper aftercare instructions to retain the results. All in all, there is no one-size-fits-all approach for lips; each beauty looks their best when taken into consideration their own type and needs!

Thin Outer Lips

Lips come in all shapes, sizes and colours. Everyone is unique, and the way we express ourselves can often be through our lips. A thin set of outer lips can be made to look more full by using dermal fillers administered by an expert lip injector St Pete.

There are different techniques and products used for lip contouring that allow you to shape your lips exactly how you want them to look, enhancing their natural beauty. It is important to remember though, that post treatment aftercare is also essential for successful results, so it’s best to research which option would suit your lifestyle the most before committing.

Double Lobe Upper Lip

With different kinds of lips shapes, it can be difficult to choose which one you prefer. Many people go for double lobe upper lips, which feature a two-pronged “M” shape at the top and give off a fuller, aesthetically pleasing look. d If you are seeking out lip fillers, seeking out an expert lip injector in St. Pete can help ensure that your results last longer due to the experienced precision with which they work.

In addition, It is also important to keep track of aftercare instructions given by professionals in order to maintain your appearance. Be sure to seek out befores and afters from previous patients of your chosen expert lip injector so you know what results you should expect!

Triple Lobe Upper Lip

Getting cosmetic lip augmentation with lip fillers is a both an art and a science. At Voyage Med Spa St Pete, our goal is to help you achieve soft and proportionate lips that look natural with triple lobe upper lip scoops that create a beautiful balance and aesthetically pleasing cupids bow.

Before any treatment, we will outline the process and aftercare so you can feel comfortable in knowing what to expect before and after the procedure. We also offer befores and afters for visual reference so you can compare your results side by side. We know that getting the lips of your dreams are important to you, which is why we make sure to go above and beyond every step of the way!

Double Lobe Lower Lip

Having full, pillowy lips is a coveted look throughout the world, and there are countless types of lip fillers available to get you there. Double lobe lower lips have become an increasingly popular choice at Voyage med spa st pete due to the soft and symmetrical shape they create. However, before making a decision it’s important to be informed about the aftercare instructions and risks associated with each type of lip filler you consider.

Thankfully, most clinics will offer a consultation before treatment so that you can discuss your goals with an expert injector. Furthermore, your expert injector will also provide pictures of before and after transformations for certain lip filler treatments so that you can see what results are possible ahead of time.

Your perfect lips

Remember, lip fillers are customized to the person’s face and beauty desires. Apart from enhancing thin lips, they can treat fine lines and wrinkles. Depending on the shape of your face, chin, and nose, a properly trained expert lip injector will recommend the best course of popular lip injections to ‘boost’ your natural beauty. Consultations are always necessary and available for those who want to learn more about receiving lip injections.

Where can I find Lip Fillers Near Me

If you’re looking for expert lip injectors and the best lip fillers near you, you need to look no further than Voyage Med Spa in St Pete fl. Our team of board certified injectors are skilled and highly trained, giving you an overall great experience and the best different lip filler shapes. Using the latest technology and different types of lip fillers, Voyage Med Spa will give you exactly what you need to get those perfect lips with our lip filler shape guide. Stop wasting your time looking for lip fillers near me, voyage med spa is your best option! Also check out our m shaped lips filler before and after photos on instagram.

Have Questions?

Contact our office Voyage MedSpa and wellness in St. Petersburg, FL at 727-498-6992. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and schedule an appointment for all types of lip injection shapes.

Click here to request an appointment

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The Different Lip Shape Lip Fillers | Voyage MedSpa & Wellness (2024)


What are the different lip filler shapes? ›

What Lip Filler style will suit you
  • Classic. This is a perfect shape for subtle lip enhancement and a perfect style that will suit everyone. ...
  • Cupid. The Cupid style enhances those lips that project a strong Cupid's Bow form. ...
  • Pearlique / Pearl. ...
  • Angelic. ...
  • Hollywood. ...
  • Supermodel. ...
  • Goddess / Rubina.
Aug 9, 2022

What style of lip filler is best? ›

Juvederm® is one of the most popular choices for lip injectables. Multiple products are available in the Juvederm line, depending on your goals. Juvederm Vollure lasts the longest and is considered the best filler for lips of any of the Juvederm products, with results showing for up to 18 months.

What's the difference between different lip fillers? ›

Restylane and Juvederm results are seen quickly and last for several months, but with slight variations. Restylane takes a few days longer to work, and lasts around 10 months. Juvederm lasts about one year. The initial results are instant.

What is the most natural looking lip filler? ›

Hyaluronic acid, or HA, naturally occurs in the body and not only attracts moisture (and volume) to the lips but also stimulates the lips' own ability to produce more collagen. This means you get immediate, natural-looking results and you also see a gradual improvement in your lip area as collagen increases.

What is the most desired lip shape? ›

The most sought-after lip shape is heart-shaped. This type of lip features a prominent cupid's bow in the upper lip and a more defined bottom lip. To enhance this shape, use a highlighter or a lip liner in a shade that matches the rest of your skin tone.

What is the most wanted lip shape? ›

Science has found that the most attractive lip shape has an upper-to-lower lip ratio of 1:2. Lips are most desirable in different shapes and forms for different people – 60% of people prefer a 1:1 ratio where the lips are completely symmetrical and evenly full.

What is the hardest lip shape to fill? ›

M shaped lips refers to the top lip that resembles the letter “M,” and is the most difficult lip shape to treat. This is because the muscles on the upper lip curls inferiorly and the anatomy can be challenging to release.

Which lip fillers last longest? ›

While the lifespan of dermal fillers can vary considerably between patients, depending on the product, your lifestyle and unique metabolism, Juvederm is the longest-lasting temporary lip filler with results visible for up to a year. Restylane comes in at a close second, with results lasting between 6-10 months.

Which lip filler gives the most volume? ›

Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC offers the most dramatic lip enhancements. This formulation has a larger particle size than other lip fillers, so it is the most thick and dense of the lip filler formulations. Ultra Plus XC can also be injected more deeply into the skin, creating more substantial volume and lift.

How much of a difference does 1 syringe of lip filler make? ›

Generally speaking, however, a half syringe of lip filler will give you a subtle result, which is great if you want your lips to be more natural-looking, to correct minor asymmetry or to add hydration. A full syringe will provide a more full and noticeable result, but won't leave you with overfilled lips.

What is the best filler for thin lips? ›

Traditionally, hyaluronic acid fillers are recommended when plumping and adding volume to the lips. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that is found in the connective tissues, cartilage, and skin and is responsible for keeping your skin refreshed and hydrated.

Does 1 syringe of lip filler make a difference? ›

Generally, one syringe provides a mild or moderate enhancement to the cheeks or lips. In short, yes, one syringe of filler can make a difference. However, if you want an exaggerated result, or have lost a large amount of volume you may require additional syringes.

Can you get lip fillers without looking like a duck? ›

For a longer upper lip you can get a few units of neuromodulator (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) to help lift the upper lip. This works great when used with filler to add volume and also avoid a ducky appearance.

Should your top or bottom lip be bigger? ›

The golden ratio as it applies to the lips means that for optimal beauty, the following lip characteristics should all be as close to this ratio as possible: The bottom lip should be 1.618 times larger than the top lip. The top lip should protrude 1.618 times more forward than the bottom lip (as seen from a side view).

How many syringes of filler for lips? ›

Lips. Most commonly, just 1 syringe is used for augmenting the lips, regardless of the type of filler you use. Occasionally, we will build up to 2 or even 3 syringes in the lips for a patient, but this is usually an older patient who has lost some of the definition and structure in the lips, as well as volume.

What lip shape makes you look younger? ›

Protruding Cupid's Bow

The cupid's bow is the area right above the center of your lips, earning its name due to the arch/bow shape it creates. Youthful lips have a projected Cupid's Bow that keeps the lips from sagging, giving them a more voluminous look.

What are butterfly lips? ›

The trend involves lifting the lips with Steri-Strips and then providing a significant plumping effect using dermal filler to over-emphasise the Cupid's bow. It's called 'butterfly lips' as the resulting effect is a volumised, slight separation of the top lip, mirroring the appearance of a butterfly's wing.

What is the perfect lip shape and size? ›

The width of the lips should be about 40% of the width of the lower face and generally equal to the distance between the medial limbi. The width-to-height ratio of the face is typically 3:4, with an oval-shaped face being the aesthetic ideal.

What is the rarest lip shape? ›

Butterfly lip form is the rarest lip shape. This lip shape gives women strong expression and youthful appearance. Women mostly have this type of lip shape during puberty. Doing lip augmentation in a dose gives your lips a natural spring form.

What are Hollywood lips? ›

Let your inner Hollywood star shine with Charlotte Tilbury's must-have Hollywood Lips. These matte contour liquid lipsticks dress lips in full-coverage long-lasting lip colour. The addition of stimulating sea lavender firms and plumps, while nourishing beeswax protects against moisture-loss for baby-soft lips.

Can you pick your lip filler shape? ›

Lip fillers can create many different lip shapes depending on where and how the filler is injected into the lips. Deciding on your lip shape should be mainly based on what style suits your facial features most. Read on to learn more information on lip fillers and advise which shape is your perfect match.

What is the weird lip shape trend? ›

Called the rounded lip and Bratz Lip among other things— the latest trend involves making your upper lip as circular as humanly possible without getting out a protractor.

What is Russian shape lip filler? ›

The Russian technique is a group of techniques that basically achieve height on a lip. This means the pink of the lip is raised higher on the top lip and gives the illusion shortening the philtrum. Equally the bottom lip drops lower giving a deeper 'v' shaped curve toward the chin.

What happens if you stop getting lip fillers? ›

Unless you go to extremes with lip fillers or choose a very unskilled injector, your lips won't be permanently stretched. This means that if you choose to stop having lip filling injections, your lips will likely return to their normal proportions.

Which lip filler swells the least? ›

Restylane Kysse is the best filler option for plump lips as it causes the least amount of swelling compared to other dermal fillers on the market. Common temporary side effects include bruising, nodules, hypersensitivity, redness, and swelling at the injection site.

How often is too often for lip filler? ›

On average, you need to get new lip fillers every 12 to 18 months.

How much do lip fillers cost? ›

For most people, the total lip filler costs, on average, between $500 and $1500. Here are some of the average costs for different types of lip fillers: Juvederm hyaluronic acid fillers: between $400 and $700 per syringe. Bellafill collagen fillers: up to $1000 for one syringe.

How much money is 1 syringe of filler? ›

On average, it costs around $1,000 per syringe, and how many syringes are needed depends on the individual and the treatment area.

How much does a syringe of Juvederm cost? ›

Juvéderm Voluma Cost

of Juvéderm Voluma is used to help add volume to the cheek area of the face. In general, some of the thinner Juvéderm products range from $600-$800 per syringe. Longer lasting Juvéderm products range from $900-1,000 per syringe category.

How long does 1 syringe of lip filler take? ›

Lip filler injections themselves only take about 10-15 minutes!

What shades look best on thin lips? ›

If you have thin lips, always be thoughtful about the colors and finishes you reach for. According to StyleCraze, the best lipstick shades are nude colors, pinks, and reds. They make the lips look much fuller as they do not draw too much attention to the area but still add color.

Where do you inject your lips for fullness? ›

In normal-volume lips, we propose enhancing volume by injecting into the vermillion. In thin lips, we prefer to address first the ratio by injecting into the thinner lip, then the volume by injecting into the vermillion, and lastly the shape by injecting into the vermillion border when necessary.

Do lip fillers look bigger at first? ›

Immediately after you get lip filler, the lips can look a little uneven. The day after, you can expect your lips to feel tender and look larger than the final result. After three days have gone by, the swelling will subside and your filler will settle.

How much lip filler can you get at once? ›

The volume of filler injected depends on each patient's desired results with amounts starting at 0.5mL, 0.7mL, and up to 1mL. If you would like fuller lips or to achieve a more youthful look by smoothing out wrinkles around your mouth, Lip fillers are the ideal way to restore or add volume and plumpness.

How many ml of lip filler can you get at once? ›

Well, it depends on the individual and their lip goals, but can vary from 0.5ml lip filler to 3ml. A good practitioner will talk through your options and suggest an amount based on your individual case. It may also be the case that you need several appointments to get the lip look you're after.

How can you tell if someone has had lip filler? ›

If you are familiar with the person, you may notice the increase in lip size, especially if they've experienced slight swelling, typically short-lived common side effects. They may also have some minor bruising of the lips; this can also signify a recent lip filler treatment.

Why do my lips look like duck lips after fillers? ›

Duck lips are a common side effect of lip augmentation. Duck lips happen when the augmented area is too full or has too much volume, which results in a puffed-out shape and an unnatural look. The shape looks similar to the beak of a duck, hence it's nickname!

How do you prevent duck lips with Juvederm? ›

Fillers come in pre-filled syringes, usually with 1 mL per syringe. To avoid duck lips, stick to one syringe per treatment. Honestly, some times we won't even use the whole syringe to avoid the risk of duck lips.

Why is my top lip so big after lip filler? ›

The upper lip area may seem to be projecting over the lower lip and appear to be significantly bigger. This swelling is a normal part of lip filler swelling stages and the healing process and should begin to subside during the day.

What is average lip size? ›

Based on their results, a pair of “average lips” has measurements of 7.8mm for the upper lip at the midline and 12.2mm for the lower lip. This gives an upper to lower lip ratio of 1:1.56.

What are keyhole lips? ›

One of the injection techniques that patients are looking for is the “Keyhole Lip”. This is where the lips are filled with a small gap in the center of the lips where the top and bottom lip meet that looks like a “keyhole”. This look is also referred to as “the keyhole technique” or “keyhole pout.”

How much should half a syringe of Juvederm cost? ›

$675/syringe. Juvéderm Volbella® … $450 (half syringe)/$675 syringe.

How big is 1 syringe of lip filler? ›

Lip fillers typically come in syringes that contain one cc (cubic centimeter) of product or 1ml. Most people require one or two syringes for full, desired results and aesthetic goals.

What is the best filler for laugh lines? ›

Restylane can restore plumpness and volume to the skin and lips for up to 18 months. To treat laugh lines, cosmetic surgeon uses Restalyne Defyne and Refyne. Also, Restylane Silk is commonly used as a lip filler.

Can you choose lip shape with filler? ›

Lip fillers can only modify the lips so far. Fillers cannot make your lips look exactly like someone else's or change the fundamental shape. But improvement, enhancement, and subtle re-shaping is possible.

What is the Russian lip technique? ›

The Russian technique is a group of techniques that basically achieve height on a lip. This means the pink of the lip is raised higher on the top lip and gives the illusion shortening the philtrum. Equally the bottom lip drops lower giving a deeper 'v' shaped curve toward the chin.

Does 1ml lip filler make a difference? ›

Conversely, for those patients who want a subtle change, with hydrated/rejuvenated and slightly defined lips, 0.5ml overall is the right amount. But, if you want an instant plump of the lips and a fuller look, 1ml of lip filler is the best choice.

What lip injections change the shape of the lips? ›

Hyaluronic acid fillers are the safest and most popular on the market today. They come in a variety of thicknesses, which are used to alter the shape, structure or volume of the lips. A skilled injector may recommend using more than one type of lip filler to achieve the precise results desired.

What is the Paris lip? ›

The Paris Lip is a term which is used to describe a particular technique for enhancing the lips. During the Paris Lip procedure, dermal filling substances are used to sculpture the lips with the aim to create a pouty, well-defined voluptuous set of lips.

How not to look like a duck with lip filler? ›

For a longer upper lip you can get a few units of neuromodulator (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) to help lift the upper lip. This works great when used with filler to add volume and also avoid a ducky appearance.

What are diamond lips? ›

With millions of views and counting, #diamondlips was coined by beauty content creator Eva Larosa. The trend is simple: applying silver eyeshadow or eyeliner to your Cupid's bow and the center of your bottom lip, lining the edges with a nude lip pencil and swiping a clear gloss all over.

What are rosebud lips? ›

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English rosebud mouth/lipsa mouth or lips that have a small round shape and are very red → rosebudExamples from the Corpusrosebud mouth/lips• Corrie had a short, snub nose and rosebud mouth, and her eyes were a smoky grey.


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